Friday, September 19, 2008

School Daze

School has started off great for both of the kids. We are already at the end of the first 6 weeks. First report cards will be on the 25th. This is also normally the time of year we are planning our trip to Orange Beach. Unfortunately, we are having to put our Fall trip all this year and start our goal for a Spring Break trip. I wish I had some updated pictures of the kids. I will work on getting some this weekend and getting them posted.

I have been reluctant to really chronicle all of the past few months of trials for our family here on my blog. Most all of you know that my dad has been fighting cancer for the past couple of years. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early 2006. He had surgery and was responding to a mild treatment for over a year. Things were going great. Mid last year, we knew by blood work results that the cancer was growing again somewhere and we were on a search and destroy mission. The cancer was found growing in his lungs. After a few more tests for baseline, he began chemo the week of Christmas 2007. The first few months were ok, but then the treatment started taking more of a toll on my dad. Dad became very ill in April 2008 and we have been on a long road to recovery since that time. I am so very happy that my Dad is doing very well at this time. He is on a new experimental treatment and is body has become so much stronger. He has had to work VERY hard to get to better. He will have scans next month to see how/what the cancer is doing. This past Wednesday, he was able to attend church since being home from the hospital! I am so very thankful that even when we don't know how to pray, the Lord knows our hearts. I thank you all for your endless support and prayers. His hair is really beginning to grow back and it is VERY dark. He still has some gray, but the majority is dark. I will have to get him to let me take a picture to post.

Please be patient with me. I am trying different things for my blog so there might be a few more changes before I settle on what I really want :)

Love to all

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