Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Grandkids at Christmas

Pictures from our time opening gifts with MeMaw. These show off all of her grandkids. My mother in law is an amazing woman!
Sister in law with her 2 youngest....oh and by the way, they are all Auburn fans :) I was an Auburn fan before I married Todd, but I have since learned that in the ultimate house of love for Alababama, you will not be able to resist the conversion. I use to think my husband was the ultimate Alabama fan....that award now goes to my oldest child. Watch the picture posting - any of them. I bet 9 times out of 10 he will be wearing some garment that has ALABAMA on it.

Oldest grandchild here. He is just as rotten as the rest of them :)

All the other you can see they are stair steps. They all love their MeMaw very much too. Corky (dog) is MeMaw's newest addition.

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