Saturday, March 8, 2008

Leonard and Fishes

This is Leonard. He is difficult to photograph. He strayed up about 3 years ago at Christmas. I had been asking for a cat and Todd really didn't want to get one. It was so cold that night and I opened the door and he came in like he had lived here forever. He must have belonged to someone that treated him well, and he was very well behaved. Not once did he mess with the Christmas tree or anything that was sitting out. Todd made me put him back out that night but he was still here the next morning, waiting. He is a great indoor/outdoor cat. He has still not adjusted to having a puppy in the house though.
The picture above is our fish Flare. The darker fish below is Earth. He is a greenish blue color, just hard to tell in these pictures. They have one tank but they have a divider between them since they are fighting fish. The red fish is Fire. You can see him best in the bottom picture. We have one other fish, but I realized when writing this post that I haven't tried to take a picture of him. Flipper is a goldfish and I will post a picture of him soon to complete the profile of all of our pets :)

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