Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter has arrived

Up until now, winter has been pretty mild. However, the last couple of days have been very, very cold. It is single digits and I don't think we are going to get above freezing until sometime next week! They even called out school today because it is so cold. Several of the schools here, elementary mostly, have classes in portables due to overcrowding. I imagine that the heat in a portable is not so effective when the high for the day is below freezing. Not to mention the absence of heat on the buses. Either way, my kids were just totally stoked to be out of school. We all have a long weekend since Monday is a holiday and we were trying to figure out something fun to do, but it is so cold it is hard to find motivation to leave the house! I was looking thru some pictures from our last beach trip and coudn't resist posting them. I am sooo ready for Spring Break now!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Late Post of our Snow Night

Since we do not see much snow here, I thought I would share pictures of the little bit that we got. The kids were able to play in it that night it was falling and they got to stay out of school the next day. Smyrna got a good little bit and somehow it missed downtown Nashville. I thougth I should post these since this might be all the snow we see this year. It is cold right now and has been raining most of this week. I hear that we might have a chance at some more this coming Saturday. Enjoy!